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Week 17: What area of your life do you tend to enjoy in excess instead of moderation?

Do I have to pick ONE? Brainstorming for this response has been quite telling. My list started off as:



-online shopping (or at least 'looking')

Then, I started to look around the room.

Okay, okay:

-TV/Netflix (gotta have my shows)

-chips and salsa

-snacks in general

And then I really started thinking about it and I have come to the conclusion that my life in general could be considered enjoyed in 'excess'. I am well aware that not all of these will apply to every person, but my hunch is that in general you could say the same.

For instance, if you are reading this, chances are you own a computer, or a smart phone. You are the owner of a device that can give you access to the world wide web, at any given time and in most given places. Many of us have not just one of those things, but both.

My guess is that you probably aren't worried about how you're going to get your next meal, or where you will sleep tonight. I certainly am not.

I just drove one of the two cars my family owns, to a building to exercise on a machine while I watched Fixer Upper, and then when I got home I showered with warm water, that never threatened to run out and became warm (in seconds) simply because I turned the knob from blue to red.

In the realm of experiences people have in this world, I not only am fortunate, but I live in excess daily. Yet, if you were to ask me what my thoughts consist of on a daily basis, they would not be those of someone so fortunate. I would tell you I worry about having enough, A LOT.

What a shame, to live with such blessing, and be so consumed with whats 'lacking'.

We are doing a sermon series at church called "Live Free." It has been amazing on a lot of levels (and you should check it out if you're interested). When the series started I thought, "well yes, I do live free, everyday." In some ways I was right. I am free to practice whatever religion I would like, marry who I want, and make so many other decisions based on my own free will. However, am I truly living free the way God intended?

The slavery I have chosen over my life is that of comparison and worry. I compare myself and my possessions to everyone around me, and then worry that I do not measure up. That I will never have enough. I have allowed it to not only take captive my thoughts, but in so doing, it steals my joy. I have forgotten the promise over my life:

"It is not what you and I do [or have]. It is what God is doing, and he is creating something totally new, a free life!" Galatians 6:15 MSG

"Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you. " Galatians 5:1 MSG

He died for us to LIVE. Not just live, but live to the fullest! When we don't daily remind ourselves of this it can be easy to fall into a pattern of worldly outlook, but He has overcome the world! Shouldn't those of us who know that to be true be the most joyful people on the planet? Every day is a gift and we are the recipients!

Lord, I pray that you will daily remind me to look around just be GRATEFUL. Grateful for eternal life that comes from you, grateful for the things you provide for me daily. Willing to give thanks rather than jump straight to requests when it comes time to pray. Joyful, for you have already done more than enough for me.


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