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Week 13: What do you look forward to every week?

What I look forward to every week is surprise human interactions, that I do not plan, but I certainly take with me. Sometimes it’s a conversation with a particularly friendly stranger in the grocery store. (I find I have more of these lately because carrying a baby is like an open invitation for random conversation with strangers). Sometimes its an unexpected moment of clarity with a friend or family member that wasn’t on the agenda. Other times it’s a one-way conversation as I listen to a podcast that seems to speak just to me. There are few things in life that I value more than a real, authentic conversation. I LOVE learning people’s stories. I love hearing about their experiences. It is such a beautiful marvel to me that God has so uniquely given us such different thoughts, emotions, experiences.

Even more wonderful is the fact that we can share these things with each other and through that we heal. Heal our souls, heal the souls of others. The power of vulnerability is astonishing. Yet, I find it such a shame that we often withhold our real selves from each other. Whether for lack of time, or fear of rejection, we often live isolated in a world that has never been more populated. Perhaps this is why it is so refreshing when you meet someone who is so confident to be themselves. Real, raw, honest. It’s like a breath of fresh air after years of full lunges and clenched lips. I always walk away from these conversations feeling a little bit more alive. Something about being understood, makes me feel normal, in the very best way. I walk away relieved I am not the only one who has ever felt the way I do, or experienced what I have, and finding great comfort in allies who can give me wisdom through each new season.

Considering all of this has me reflecting on the meaning of this season. A particular word in the Christmas story has been sticking with me lately. Emmanuel. God with us. God WITH us. I have heard it a thousand times, but it is taking on new meaning this year. Yes, God came down to earth to be with us physically, but He also came to be WITH us metaphorically, and forevermore. Jesus left his throne in heaven, at the right hand of God, to become human. He left perfection. No pain, no suffering, no insecurity, to come to earth to experience humanity. He felt hungry, angry, rejected. He suffered in ways I hope I never have to. He knows what it is to be mentally taunted and physically tortured.

He chose to be WITH us in the human experience. To feel what we feel. To struggle with what we struggle with. He gets it! If we were to sit down with Him and share our hearts, He could empathetically say “me too, I know that hurts, I have been there.” He chose to understand our brokenness before fixing it. He knew we not only needed a Savior, but a companion. Our broken hearts need healing but before they can be healed they need to be understood, and so God made Himself flesh to feel our experience, and in His perfection He offered us a solution. Who could not love such a compassionate Father?

After Jesus left this earth, He knew we could no longer be alone. He left us with The Holy Spirit. God IN us. His promise to forever be WITH us. We have access to the mind and heart of Almighty God! How I mourn that I forget this too often and do not take advantage of the great gift I have been given.

I will admit, I am very into all the cheesy-ness that comes with Christmas, probably more than most. Yet, I don’t want to take lightly that the gift of Christmas is so much more than eggnog and jingle bells. It is the “most wonderful time of the year” indeed because, despite ourselves, we have been given the gift of never being alone again.


God with us when we wake up early, God with us when we hit snooze seven times.

God with us if we work out, and God with us if we do not.

God with us if we love dogs, God with us if we love cats (maybe).

God with us if we are married, single, divorced.

God with us if we eat organic and God with us if this is the third time we’ve had pizza this week.

God with us if we have children, God with us if we don’t.

God with us if we feel loved, and God with us if we feel unworthy.

God with us if we make six figures, and God with us when we make zero.

God with us at the bar, on the street, in the classroom, in our car!

Emotionally, mentally, physically, beyond understanding and with NO exception;

God. WITH. Us!

Whom than, shall [we] fear?

This Christmas I pray that in each random interaction you encounter, you are reminded that you are NEVER alone…God is WITH you, and for you. Amen.


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