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Week 10: What did you get in trouble for the most as a kid?

Week 10! I know it might seem small, but this feels like a huge victory to me. I have wanted to skip several weeks of posts already, either because I didn't like the question, or I wondered if it really mattered if I wrote. Jury is still out, but I am excited to make it to the double digits on posts and I trust God with where the rest of this goes...

So what did I get in trouble for most as a kid? Well, I am a rule follower. I emerged into the world this way. I don't have any great rebellious stories from childhood (I saved all of those for my cliché college years). Rather, I was the child that would throw out a few huffs and puffs when I didn't get my way, and then ask my mom if I should go to my room. She would tell me 'yes' and I would promptly act out my best angry 'stomp' and retreat to my room for some cherished alone time with my imaginary friends.

A self-discipliner.

This title gained me another from my siblings, "princess Meghan" as I feared getting into trouble so much that I simply avoided it at ALL costs. Even if it meant punishing myself unnecessarily.

This undoubtedly saved me from some epic wars with my parents, and probably helped me make 'good' decisions on occasion. Yet, I wonder what I missed out on as well, being so unwilling to take risks?

Its something I have been thinking about a lot lately as a new mom. I want to promote well-mannered, well-behaved children in my household, absolutely! But what if I have a child like myself? A 'self-discipliner' that avoids risk and conflict at all costs. Certainly it will make my job of discipline feel easier from day-to-day, but is that the message I want to teach? How do I raise healthy self-discipliners, who also have enough gusto to take risks?

I don't have answers, just a lot of questions. Any words of wisdom from seasoned parents, or seasoned 'rebels' or 'self-discipliners' are welcomed and encouraged!

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