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Week 1: What is your favorite way to spend a lazy day?

I had to put a lot of thought into this. I realized you can approach this from several angles. You could answer as if the world was your oyster and money and time were no object, or you could answer in a realistic, more practical way. Today I chose practical. I am eager to see where others decide to let their imaginations wander!

Ironically (or is it coincidentally? I never get the two right), my favorite way to spend a lazy day would definitely involve some writing. I would wake up early, but slowly. The kind of waking where you are ready to start the day, but have no intention of changing out of your pajamas anytime soon.

I would have a hot cup of coffee waiting for me, and I would find my favorite spot in my cozy chair to read my Bible and write whatever came to my mind as I read. It would be unhurried by looming plans or to-dos.

I would then spend the rest of the day with my husband and my baby boy. We would take a long walk (and Everett would of course be an angel and sleep soundly the whole time) while Tim and I had meaningful conversations about our dreams and our future. I love making plans with him! We would find our favorite patio, with a mountain view (the weather is of course a perfect 70 degrees and sunny) and continue conversation over lunch. We'd eat a whole meal of just appetizers, because who needs anything else?

The evening would consist of cooking a new meal together while we drank wine and listen to music, stoping to dance and play with Everett along the way. We would eat, put the baby down for the night (which would go seamlessly), and then play cards and have some desert, most likely a baked good of some sort.

The night would end with a Netflix marathon of our current favorite show (we are in a need of a new one if anyone has any suggestions).

It would be slow, simple, and restful. It might not seem like much, but the older and busier I get, the more I truly appreciate moments of simplicity and true quality time.

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