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Getting Started

I tend to overanalyze and thus overcomplicate things. I am going to make my best effort in this instance not to do that. Plainly put, I love to write and have felt called to share more of my writing for quite some time now. I have found different reasons over the years to not pursue this consistently, but ultimately those “reasons” are better named “excuses” and thus I am making an effort to push past my insecurity and start somewhere.

My supportive brother-in-law knows my desire to write and began to push me towards action several months ago by giving me a journal that has 300 writing prompts. I have so enjoyed these little kick-starters and have found myself in numerous conversations with other people about this journal when they expressed a desire to write more themselves. Thus my passion was met with purpose and my new quest was born!

I am committing to answering one of these writing prompts per week, for 300 weeks (that’s a lot of weeks, I know). My hope is that in setting this specific plan I will be more accountable to not only write, but actually publish my writing. My deeper hope is that there are other writers out there who are also in need of a motivation boost and that those individuals will join me, perhaps not every week, but as each person sees fit!

Full disclosure: I did not read all of these prompts ahead of time, so where this will go is just as much as mystery to me as it is to anyone else. Also, I am serious about wanting to take this on with others so if you choose to write as well I would love to hear about it so I can encourage and support you! If you know someone who loves to write, please invite them as well! 300 weeks is a lot of life to live and I am excited to see how this pans out over time. And so we begin….

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